The "Wright" Volunteer Opportunity
What if…
You could make a world-wide impact at your convenience?
How is that possible? By telling visitors that come to Mason City about the
Historic Park Inn Hotel! It is the only hotel remaining in the world that was
designed by legendary architect Frank Lloyd Wright, and you could be the
one to tell visitors about it!
This treasure is in the heart of Mason City. Its multi-million dollar
restoration has revitalized our downtown, our community and brought
tourism throughout the state. Tour guides help to keep our community a
destination and they enjoy the personal rewards of knowing their
contribution is valued.
If you’d like to learn more, and hear what other Wright on the Park docents have
to say about their experiences, you are invited to an informational get-together
Monday, January 13 from 5:30-6:30 PM
at Fat Hill Brewing 17 N Federal Ave Mason City
Please RSVP by January 6 th to Teri Elsbury at tsretz@gmail.com
or call 641-420-3551.
We look forward to meeting you!